Image of an office interior with pink marble floors

The Guide You Can Trust For Finding the Perfect Flooring Solution

List of Flooring Options Trending This Year

Today’s generation is focusing more on savings rather than spending lavishly on luxuries. However, when it comes to having a beautiful and comfortable house, no one wants to compromise. Also, most consumers are demanding better value of their money. In recent times, there has been a considerable shift from the level of spending to the level of savings. As a result of which flooring manufacturers are trying their best to offer the best bang for the bucks.

Benefits for the cost-conscious customers
In an era, where options are abundant, flooring manufacturers should consider providing high-quality materials at lower prices. If you are thinking to renovate your interior décors, opting for the current trends will give you the best value of your money. The vinyl floorings ape the look of natural wood. Natural wood cannot be a good flooring solution for bathrooms and kitchens. However, opting for vinyl can give it the look you desire.

Advantages of Installing Vinyl Floorings

Black&White Image of vinyl flooring in the leisure roomVinyl flooring has gained a lot of prominence because of its easy-to-clean and stain-resistant characteristics. More and more homeowner is adding vinyl flooring to their rooms as it offers excellent comfort underfoot.

Opting for wood flooring
If you want to add wooden tiles, then you should know some facts about the process of installation. Almost every wood floor undergoes a staining phase that gives them a glossy finished look. However, if you pick the fumed wood flooring variety, it does not require going through a staining process. These wooden floors attain their color and grain through fuming.

In this process, the wood is placed in a chamber where it is passed through ammonia gas. When the wood reacts with ammonia, it changes the color and gains a vibrant brown color. The effect on two pieces of wood may differ, which gives the entire flooring a variant texture.

Marble Or Granite – Enhance The Look Of The Office

Prominent Growth Being Witnessed in the Marble

Recent years have seen spectacular growth in the marble industry. The year 2015 was especially important, The rise in sales numbers was seen not in just one part of the globe but all over. The increase in use is thanks to the people who prefer marble to enhance the look of their offices. While marble and granite have been used in kitchens and bathrooms for ages, their popularity in corporate offices, clinics and NEET coaching centres is recent.

What is the Difference Between Granite and Marble ?

Modern Ways to Use Marble in Your BathroomToday, the discussion will be about the differences between the two most used rocks in interior decoration – granite and marble. The natural stones are often confused, and people unwittingly use the wrong one in the wrong place. Therefore, to answer questions like:
• Which stone is best for a kitchen countertop?
• What should the bathroom vanity be made of?
• Should one use granite or marble for outdoor kitchens?
We give you a gist of granite and marble. Both the stones are quarried from the earth because they are naturally found.
• Granite
When magma cools and solidifies deep below the earth’s surface over time of millions of years, it forms granite. Because the stone is created by molten Magma, it is categorised as an igneous rock. The process of granite formation is very slow. The magma heats and then takes a long time to cool down. Hence, the rock formed is very hard.
• Marble
When plant life is buried under the earth and combines with sediments founds there, it forms sedimentary rocks. These take an extended period to form. When a sedimentary rock is put under pressure and extreme heat it transforms into metamorphic rock. This new stone is categorised as marble. The metamorphosis also adds other minerals to the sedimentary rock; it is why marble has different shades and veins of gorgeous colours.
In simpler terms, plant life and other materials mix to form limestone. This limestone then turns into marble under high temperature. Because the main ingredient of marble is calcium bicarbonate, it is far softer when compared with granite. When it comes to appearances, both the natural stones look very similar. It is one of the primary reasonsGrade Differences and Quality of Counter Granite people get confused between the two. On closer inspection, the differences become quite glaring.

What are the Color Variations in Granite and Marble ?

The colour variations in the two stones are different. Granite has flecks of shades embedded in it while marble has long lines or veins of colours in it. Marble gives a swirling effect due to the colour striations and granite offers a flecked look. The type of look you want in your home is one of the significant factors in deciding between the two stones. Another aspect is the porosity of the materials.
Marble is more porous and hence absorbs more than granite. Thus, it can become permanently stained with wine, juices, sauces or vinegar. It is this reason why people prefer granite for kitchen and marble for offices. The long veins of colours and the muted shades of marble give a very classic and professional appeal to any office.

History Of Marble – Monuments Around The World

Marbles Used To Make Monuments

The use of marble in homes, offices, schools is very recent when compared to the history of the stone. The history of marbles has deep connection. Many famous IAS coaching centres train their students in such in-depth information as they form part of the civil services exam syllabus. Some of the most valuable and known monuments of the world are constructed with marble thanks to its many uses, In this article, let’s take a look at some of the most recognisable monuments made with marble.

Which Marble was used to Build the Taj MahalFamous Monuments and Sculptures Made from Marbles

  • The first and most known monument is The Taj Mahal. Commissioned by the emperor Shah Jahan, the mausoleum is entirely built with white marble. Located on the bank of river Yamuna in India, Taj Mahal is a testament to the strength and beauty of ivory marble.
  • The second most known piece made of marble in history is the Statue of David. Made by Michelangelo, the sculpture is considered one of the best to be ever made. The elegant yet powerful stature, which is a representation of male form and beauty in repose, stands 17 feet tall and was created in the Renaissance period.
  • Another monument that is proof of the might of marble is The Washington Monument. The tall obelisk was constructed with three varieties of marble and is known as a tribute to the unity of the country. The tower is not only the most famous building in the US, but it is also the most visited.
  • The Leaning Tower Of Pisa is another tall pillar that is made of marble. Though famous for its slight tilt that increases every few years, the Tower of Pisa is one of the most magnificent creations of marble. The circular building is elegance personified due to the unique use of marble, limestone and quartz in it.
  • One of the oldest buildings still standing that was made with marble is The Pantheon. The dome is said to beMarble Steps at the Leaning Tower of Pisa constructed in 125 AD using marble. The monument is visited by tourists in droves every year to take in the breathtaking sight of its columns.
  • One of the more recent buildings created using marble that is recognised by people around the world is the Supreme Court in the US. Marble was one of the primary materials used to construct the building to give the ceiling an elegant and imposing look.

Use of Marble in Architectures and Monuments :

Next time you see one of these monuments in real or reel life, be aware of the extraordinary history. It is because of these long-lasting monuments that marble is virtually used in every field of constructions. The extensive use of the natural stone throughout history gave modern civilisation the idea of its strength and beauty. From elaborate fountains that adorn the gardens of five-star hotels to the floors of our homes, marble is now used to create the interior and exterior of most buildings.
Therefore, when you are crossing a marble floor in a corporate building or looking at the marble walls of a friend’s home, thank the people who created each of these historical monuments. They were the starting point to the marble craze that has taken over the world in the present age.

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